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在这美好的季节,米氏大厨 Hamish 灵思泉涌,为您呈献升级版夏季晚餐菜单,满足您对美味的不同追求。选用可持续发展及可溯源的高品质食材,为您制作出独具一格的时令、健康、精致的现代欧式料理!

夏季色拉配焦糖苏州蜜桃,陶罐八爪鱼配墨鱼汁酱、香煎整条柠檬鳎、莓果挞配香草汁… 说多了都是口水,大家自己来一探究竟吧

We have updated our Summer Dinner Menu at M on the Bund and we can’t wait for you to come and try it. 

It’s HOT, HOT, HOT outside, cool down with our Summer Salad with fresh peaches or our Finely sliced Octopus terrine. New additions on the dessert menu are our explosive Berry Tart and Religieuse – Choux pastries filled with dark chocolate

We are excited to bring you sustainable food made with love, from start to finish. 


New Dinner Dishes at M