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GLAM EATS 全新双人套餐即日起在大众点评上线。由米氏西餐厅行政总厨 Hamish Waddel 为大家臻选的道式金秋美味分享晚餐,一场舌尖上的盛宴。
原价950元,金秋特惠价598元… 如此诱人的价格只在大众点评APP出售哦!
Do we have a deal for you! Chef Hamish has created a delicious shared menu at 598rmb for two people (valued at 950rmb). 
It includes 8 of the most popular dishes from our Glam Autumn Menu… AND book it on the Dianping App AND save yourself 400rmb… money that could go towards another round… #winning!