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Blossoms 《繁Fan花Hua》

The celebrated Shanghainese novelist discusses his seminal work with long-time friend, Qiu Xiaolong, and Duke Kunshan lecturer, Austin Woerner. In Chinese with English translation.

Sat, 16 Mar, 10:00

Author Biography

金宇澄 生于上海,小说家,《上海文學》主编 1985年開始寫作,代表作《迷夜》《洗牌年代》《碗》《繁花》《回望》 获得「茅盾文學獎」、央視「中國好書」、「華語文學小說家獎」 台北《鏡週刊》年度好書」、台北「open book」年度好書·中文創作」 、台北书展文学类大奖等

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Blossoms 《繁花》

Sat, 16 Mar, 10:00

Jin Yucheng, acclaimed author of Blossoms 《繁花》, one of the few novels published in Shanghainese, discusses his work and process with his friend Qiu Xiaolong, author of the Inspector Chen series, and Duke Kunshan lecturer Austin Woerner.

Moderated by Austin Woerner and Qiu Xiaolong