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今年,我们非常自豪能够资助乌干达的Kiwoko医院为其提供个人防护用品。我们要感谢Peter OsborneBeixi XuDavid Ren,致敬他们的慷慨。


This year, we are very proud to have been able to help source and fund PPE for Kiwoko Hospital in Uganda. We’d like to thank Peter OsborneBeixi Xu of Zitra International, David Ren of Ryzur for their unbelivable generosity.

If you are feeling generous and would like to help, please consider supporting ADARA.


ADARA’s latest newsletter 

 highlighting their 2020 survival tactics…


PPE arriving at KIWOKO Hospital earlier this year. 

从澳大利亚和中国到乌干达—慈悲的力量 (中文)

澳华财经在线 by Peter Osborne

Passing on hope: Chinese companies work with int’l charity to help hospital in Uganda (in English)

CGTN by Xu Mengqi

Kiwoko Hospital’s key mission is neonatal intensive care, but they serve an enormous surrounding community of approx 1 million people.