夕阳余晖中,俯瞰外滩陆家嘴天际线,茗上一口冰凉酷爽的特调鸡尾酒… 这才是正确打开米氏夏季露台晚餐的正确方式啊…一杯精彩夏日歌颂浦江,一杯桑格利亚玫瑰与夕阳同辉,一杯雪芭马天尼尽显奢华… 小酌怡情,切莫贪杯… 别忘了还有丰盛的佳宴在等着您呢…Get your night started off right at M this summer…Our cool cocktails are the perfect start to a memorable night at M… take in the gorgeous sunset from our terrace & sip on our Sangria Rose or our fun Sorbentini… maybe you’d enjoy someSummer Delights with a bit of Hanky Panky?… we won’t tell… promise… just be sure to save room for dinner!