醇香扑鼻的慢炖新西兰鹿肋排,鲜美的安康鱼遇上浓郁的黄咖喱蟹肉汁及香菜米饭,充满节日气氛的核桃石榴炖嫩鸭配香米及莳萝黄瓜… 汲取来自世界各地的创意美食灵感,即使不能远渡重洋,也能享受一场舌尖上的旅行。Chef Hamish is busy preparing and trialing dishes for his New Winter Menu (coming very soon!) and the best way to get a sneak peak of what is to come is to try one of his warming dishes from our Recommendations Menu, served nightly at M on the Bund… with options of free-range organic New Zealand Venison, Monkfish with a Balinese Crab Curry, and an Iranian Duckling Dish, we’re calling inspiration from across the world… just because we can’t travel right now doesn’t mean our taste buds can’t go on a journey!