每个周末的下午2点到5点之间,米氏经典下午茶都为大家准备了新鲜的奶油,蓬松的烤饼,纯正的自制果酱,可口的手指三明治和小水果挞…搭配咖啡以及各种经典茶、花茶和异域风情混合茶。在这里,除了能够呼吸到新鲜的空气,还能观赏到外滩、浦江、陆家嘴连成一线… 而这些都不是重点!准备好了吗?米氏骨瓷茶杯全新到货!新添的家族成员–淡橘色和蜜桃粉茶杯,简直让人爱不释手。茶杯加茶碟298元/套,餐厅内有售,喝完下午茶记得带它们回家~Every weekend between 2-5pm we’re serving up the fluffiest of scones, real jam & freshly whipped cream, finger sandwiches, sweet treats, little tarts and piping hot pots of tea in proper tea pots. Treat the family to some fresh air, gorgeous views and carefully prepared confections at M – We’re excited to tell you that our full selection of beautiful M Tea Cups is back! Sip your tea in style with the new additions of peach and light pink – sooo pretty!M’s Beautiful Teacups 米氏骨瓷茶杯、茶碟套装 298 RMB / set米氏定制骨瓷茶杯,色彩靓丽、品质细腻,多色可选,质感生活达人必入!M’s teacups are bright, colourful and the perfect way to make any teatime shine! It’s the perfect personal gift for anyone who likes the finer things in life~