魅蓝与米氏西餐厅比邻而居,其复古典雅的餐室、酒吧、酒廊,亦是上海摩登时尚的一道缩影。经过晶莹剔透的水晶门帘,精致的空间设计令人大开眼界,各种艺术品及装置点缀,感受海派文化精髓,处处传达出创始人折衷主义的理念。无论是融合风味的饕餮美食,独出心裁的特调鸡尾酒,品类丰富的杯售葡萄酒,还是引领健康饮食新风尚的素食早午餐,魅蓝必将为用餐者提供流连忘返的完美体验。You don’t need a tonne of money to make your lover feel like a million dollars! Celebrate Qixi at Glam – The sophisticated dining lounge & bar that epitomises modern Shanghai chic – and spoil the love of your life with a gorgeous 8 course meal for a very special price on Dianping. Book early and snag a window table & see if you can spot the magpie bridge this August 25th…魅蓝 GLAM 全新双人套餐即日起在大众点评上线。由米氏西餐厅行政总厨 Hamish Waddel 为大家臻选的8道式美味分享晚餐,一场舌尖上的盛宴。原价895元,特惠价598元… 如此诱人的价格只在大众点评出售哦!Do we have a deal for you! Chef Hamish has created a delicious shared menu of 8 of our most popular Glam dishes, and when it’s purchased on Dianping APP you save yourself 300rmb… money that could go towards another round… #winning!