
即日起,米氏西餐厅联合 PIERRE MARCOLINI 推出中秋限量礼遇。
– Pierre Marcolini 中秋限量月光礼盒 (¥398元/盒)
-米氏骨瓷茶杯及茶碟 (¥298元/套)
– 米氏镀银茶匙 (¥68元/把)
– 米氏双人下午茶套餐 (¥276元/两位 + 10%服务费)
可至米氏西餐厅及 Pierre Marcolini 专卖店购买。
* 月光礼盒 – 9月15日至10月4日凭礼券到 Pierre Marcolini 专卖店兑换。
* 米氏骨瓷茶杯、茶匙及下午茶套餐于2017年12月17日前至米氏西餐厅兑换。
PIERRE MARCOLINI由同名创始人于1995年在布鲁塞尔建立,Pierre Marcolini先生以其卓绝技艺和执着热情闻名,作为品牌创意总监,他恪守对巧克力制作的严格标准,坚持采购优质原料,为此甚至跨越巴西、古巴、厄瓜多尔、加纳、马达加斯加以及越南等地,从世界各地种植园主手中直接采购可可豆。除此之外,Pierre Marcolini 先生对其它稀有、异域原料的选择也秉持严格的标准,力求选择世界著名产区的一流原材料。作为顶级巧克力工厂的先驱者,PIERRE MARCOLINI 巧克力品牌只制作独具匠心的巧克力、甜点,以及备受追捧的马卡龙。卓越的口感和超凡的品质使其精品店铺迅速拓展至30 多家,跨越多个国家(包括比利时、法国、英国、摩纳哥、日本以及科威特),取得了全球性的成功。

In collaboration with Pierre Marcolini, M on the Bund has the perfect Mid-Autumn Festival gift!
-Pierre Marcolini “Clair de Lune” gift box (valued at ¥398)
-M Tea Cup & Saucer (valued at ¥298)
-M Teaspoon (valued at ¥65)
-Afternoon Tea at M on the Bund for 2 people (valued at ¥276 + 10% service charge)
Available at M on the Bund or Pierre Marcolini shops.
*To pick up your Clair de Lune giftbox, please visit any Pierre Marcolini shop between September 15th and October 4th.
*For the M on the Bund Afternoon Tea and tea cups and teaspoons, please stop by before December 17th.
Maison Pierre Marcolini was founded in Brussels in 1995 by Pierre Marcolini, renowned for his expert skill and passion for creating the world’s best chocolates. At present, Pierre Marcolini is the creative director of Maison Pierre Marcolini, where he has built a reputation not just for his chocolate but for his ethical standards, sourcing Grand cru cocoa directly from independent producers in Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Ghana, Madagascar and Vietnam. Other rare and exotic ingredients top off the Maison’s illustrious range of beans, including pink peppercorns from Morocco, pistachios from Iran, pepper from Sichuan, vanilla from Tahiti, rose petals, bergamot and lemons from Sicily, cinnamon from Sri Lanka, hazelnuts from Piedmont, nougat from Montélimar, and much more. A pioneer in the art of Haute Chocolaterie, Maison Pierre Marcolini creates exceptional chocolates and sweet treats, not to mention its famous macarons. The remarkable quality and refined nature of Maison Pierre Marcolini’s creations have made its retail outlets an instant global success, with over 30 stores in several countries, including Belgium, France, the UK, Monaco, Japan and Kuwait.

沪港两地生: 精彩各不同
午后,我们来到大楼顶层的米氏西餐厅(M on the Bund),这是来自澳大利亚的Michelle Garnaut(下文简称“米歇尔”)新千年前就在上海开设的。我们2点半到的餐厅,米歇尔还未结束与两位导演朋友的洽谈——只闻其声,便觉生趣。后来,米歇尔笑言,40多年的餐厅生意让她认识了不少中、澳两地的朋友,其中也不乏名流,张国荣的姐姐便与她相熟。只是明星们来此,米歇尔很少自己接待,她并不想借机合影给餐厅打广告:“他们当然要付钱!”她大笑,“还应该付双份的……这可能也是我们餐厅至今明星络绎不绝的原因吧。”
1984年,年轻的米歇尔第一次来到香港,人群熙熙攘攘、环境不敞亮,让她对那里的第一印象并不很好,但她还是选择留下,成为了一名厨师,一干就是5年,也渐渐融入了那里:“你知道,作为外乡人到一个地方生活,可能是深深地扎根于此,也可能仅是暂居。面对那些只是来去匆匆的过客,我会说那就度过一段愉快的时光吧。”而米歇尔自己则对这里有着更深的羁绊,她称其为“Strong Connection”(强联系)——与香港的联系,也是未来与上海,乃至中国这个国家的联系。
1989年,她在香港开设了自己的第一家餐厅(M at the Fringe)。回忆起那家小小的,不过只有65个座位的小餐厅,米歇尔很是动容:“这家店开在一栋很漂亮的大楼里,装修构思巧妙。因为我们是最初几家定位界于正规与休闲之间,又有高性价比的餐厅,在当地还蛮有名的。”待2008年关门,米歇尔已经营了它近20年,以至于她对香港的食客颇为熟悉:“香港一直很富庶,人们也乐于在美食上消费。香港的食物很好,水平很高。”米歇尔注意到香港精致的美食风格与当地人的性格形成了鲜明的反差:“他们很淳朴,嗓门蛮大。”她反复强调这几个形容词,以防我们的理解产生不必要的偏差,毕竟她“真的很热爱香港”。而如今,香港已成为了一座令其流连,无需以“工作”为重心的城市。
90年代,在香港积累了一定的工作经验,并游历新、马、泰、印尼等亚洲诸国后,米歇尔来到了上海。与她谈天,常会惊叹于她甚至比我们这些本地的年轻人更了解那个风起云涌的八九十年代。“1985年,我就来过上海,你很难想象当时和现在有多么不同。人们都穿着‘毛’式的衣服(Mao shirt)、军装。不过即使在那样的年代,上海依然有时尚的踪迹。”1996年,她从香港带来了她的厨师团队,成为了上海滩著名的和平饭店的主厨。“当时和平饭店的价格很高,平均五六千元一餐,而我的中国朋友告诉我,她妈妈的工资不过每月400元。”也是那时,很多人鼓励她开始自己的餐厅计划。
在与米歇尔的交流中,她与我们说起一个小段子:“SAR”是特别行政区的英文首字母缩写(Special Administration Region),而每每有人问她香港回归中国后,有什么变化时,她也常会回答“SAR”——“雨后如故”(Same After Rain,缩写也是SAR)。

沪港两地生: 精彩各不同
午后,我们来到大楼顶层的米氏西餐厅(M on the Bund),这是来自澳大利亚的Michelle Garnaut(下文简称“米歇尔”)新千年前就在上海开设的。我们2点半到的餐厅,米歇尔还未结束与两位导演朋友的洽谈——只闻其声,便觉生趣。后来,米歇尔笑言,40多年的餐厅生意让她认识了不少中、澳两地的朋友,其中也不乏名流,张国荣的姐姐便与她相熟。只是明星们来此,米歇尔很少自己接待,她并不想借机合影给餐厅打广告:“他们当然要付钱!”她大笑,“还应该付双份的……这可能也是我们餐厅至今明星络绎不绝的原因吧。”
1984年,年轻的米歇尔第一次来到香港,人群熙熙攘攘、环境不敞亮,让她对那里的第一印象并不很好,但她还是选择留下,成为了一名厨师,一干就是5年,也渐渐融入了那里:“你知道,作为外乡人到一个地方生活,可能是深深地扎根于此,也可能仅是暂居。面对那些只是来去匆匆的过客,我会说那就度过一段愉快的时光吧。”而米歇尔自己则对这里有着更深的羁绊,她称其为“Strong Connection”(强联系)——与香港的联系,也是未来与上海,乃至中国这个国家的联系。
1989年,她在香港开设了自己的第一家餐厅(M at the Fringe)。回忆起那家小小的,不过只有65个座位的小餐厅,米歇尔很是动容:“这家店开在一栋很漂亮的大楼里,装修构思巧妙。因为我们是最初几家定位界于正规与休闲之间,又有高性价比的餐厅,在当地还蛮有名的。”待2008年关门,米歇尔已经营了它近20年,以至于她对香港的食客颇为熟悉:“香港一直很富庶,人们也乐于在美食上消费。香港的食物很好,水平很高。”米歇尔注意到香港精致的美食风格与当地人的性格形成了鲜明的反差:“他们很淳朴,嗓门蛮大。”她反复强调这几个形容词,以防我们的理解产生不必要的偏差,毕竟她“真的很热爱香港”。而如今,香港已成为了一座令其流连,无需以“工作”为重心的城市。
90年代,在香港积累了一定的工作经验,并游历新、马、泰、印尼等亚洲诸国后,米歇尔来到了上海。与她谈天,常会惊叹于她甚至比我们这些本地的年轻人更了解那个风起云涌的八九十年代。“1985年,我就来过上海,你很难想象当时和现在有多么不同。人们都穿着‘毛’式的衣服(Mao shirt)、军装。不过即使在那样的年代,上海依然有时尚的踪迹。”1996年,她从香港带来了她的厨师团队,成为了上海滩著名的和平饭店的主厨。“当时和平饭店的价格很高,平均五六千元一餐,而我的中国朋友告诉我,她妈妈的工资不过每月400元。”也是那时,很多人鼓励她开始自己的餐厅计划。
在与米歇尔的交流中,她与我们说起一个小段子:“SAR”是特别行政区的英文首字母缩写(Special Administration Region),而每每有人问她香港回归中国后,有什么变化时,她也常会回答“SAR”——“雨后如故”(Same After Rain,缩写也是SAR)。

The most colourful and vibrant Wall at Glam yet with Israeli artist, Basmat Levin. Come visit before it’s over…until the end of August!
Raised in Jerusalem, Israeli artist Basmat Levin has spent her adult life as a global nomad and is currently based out of Shanghai and New York. Her pieces clearly illustrate her perspective of the people she’s met and the places she’s been: they are a beautiful tableau of vibrant, colourful and striking faces and patterns. “My way of seeing the world is through colours and images and everything I see is translated through that lens.”
BASMAT’s work can be seen on walls all over Shanghai, in Leo Gallery, ArtCN Gallery, the Kee Club, Dunhill Twin Villas, restaurants such as Salute and Ginger as well as at her studio at M50.

Bring on the heat! This July, Glam & M on the Bund are bringing the very best of music, talks and parties to Shanghai.
Saturday, July 1st: Join us at Glam for our weekly live DJ set with the most handsome DJ in all of Shanghai: Clef G.
Sunday, July 2nd: At our next M Talks China, we host former BBC correspondent, Duncan Hewitt, who will be discussing legendary writer, J.G. Ballard’s relationship to Shanghai. For tickets, click here.
M Talks China – How Jim was Shanghaied: JG Ballard and the City That Shaped His Unique Vision
Saturday, July 7th: As part of our Friday & Saturday DJ/live music nights, we host DJ Charp as of 21:30.
Charp arrived on the Shanghai electronic scene in 2008 and quickly became one of its prominent figures. He has launched a number of well-known residencies in Mao Club and Lola, which led to collaborations with international artists as well as playing in Shanghai’s biggest outdoor festivals and fashion events. Charp has a voracious appetite for a variety of styles of music including disco, house and techno. His sets are known for their energetic and melodious beats and for always moving the audience to their feet.
Saturday, July 8th: DJ Thomas P will be spinning beats as of 9:30pm.
Thomas P is DJ to the creme de la creme of Shanghai. Spinning for the likes of Porsche and Peninsula Hotel as well as having collaborated with Westbam, Tomcraft, Steve Aoki, Lange, Andy Moor and more, you will always find him in the middle of a party with music…lots of music. Come see for yourself at Glam and get ready to groove.
Friday, July 14th: DJ Lucy will be dropping his signature beats as of 9:30pm.
DJing was always something DJ Lucy enjoyed doing on the side. But as an amateur jockey at college, performing in various parties and events allowed him to evolve and grow his own style—a self-described style of fresh and energetic beats. And in 2015, he even launched his very own event label, Ting Ting Disco. Lately DJ Lucy has started to incorporate more indie, jazz and any other groovy beats, but his tried & true favorites are still hip hop, rock and punk. His DJing philosophy is to always start off slow with classic rock and sensual R&B and then build it up throughout the evening. No matter the event, DJ Lucy will always match the music to the atmosphere and make sure everyone has a good time.
Saturday, July 15th: DJ GIGI LEE will be showing off her signature style as a part of our weekly DJ nights.
Chinese-born Gigi Lee started her music journey with a passion for house music. In 2012, Gigi Lee moved to the UK after university and immersed herself in the electronic music scene there. One year later, she started spinning in parties and eventually moved to Shanghai in 2014. Influenced by producers like Kerri Chandler, Frankie Knuckles, Kenny Dope, she quickly got her name out there: she became one of the most requested DJs, often seen in clubs, events and festivals all over China. In early 2016, she started touring around Asia. Nowadays, Gigi Lee collaborates with world-class celebrities including Hollywood actor Orlando Bloom, well-known HK actor Takeshi Kaneshiro, world-famous film director Karwai Wong and brands including Redbull, Skullcandy, ASOS, Grey Goose, Jameson.
Sunday, July 16th: City of Life and Death (南京!南京!)
Glam x Time Out Shanghai’s monthly film screening brings you City of Life and Death (南京!南京!), described by Time Out Shanghai as ‘simply, one of the best contemporary Chinese films out there’.
Glam x Time Out Film Screening: City of Life and Death (南京!南京!)
Friday, July 21st: DJ GIGI LEE will be at Glam for Round 2 of her signature beats.
Saturday, July 22nd: DJ Max joins us at Glam for a night of delicious food, drink and groovy music.
As manager of Arkham, one of the most important underground clubs in China, DJ Max has 14 years experience in the electronic music industry. He started DJing at the age of 18 and has always stayed true to his true passion of deep house and techno. DJ MAX is one of the few local DJs in China with a unique combination of tech house, deep house and techno. Since 2000, Max has shared stages with some of the most prominent DJs and artists in the world including Timo Mass, Yuksek, Para One, Cold Cut, Shin Nishimura, Electric Rescue, and Martin Eyerer.
Friday, July 28th: DJ MIIIA kicks off the weekend with her upbeat music.
Chinese-Canadian electronic music artist MIIIA is at the forefront of Shanghai’s underground music scene and has been weaving her unique blend of vibes since she settled in the city.
MIIIA’s journey began in Canada after having been exposed to rave culture there. Since then, she has performed in Spain, Germany, Canada, Korea, Hong Kong, Taipei, and numerous cities in mainland China. Mostly recently she had the privilege to perform at the first ever Boiler Room launch party in China—which had a record-breaking total of 3.3 million views.
Saturday, July 29nd: DJ PCJ will have you on your feet, no matter what.
PCJ (Phillip Caspar James) found himself throwing down tunes at house parties in Perth, Australia in 2005. He is the founder of lucrative Western Australian club nights and now CHINA SOCIAL CLUB, which hosts ongoing parties at Le Baron, Dada, Arcade and Arkham to name a few. PCJ has played alongside and supported many festivals and gigs including those of Daft Punk, The Gorillaz, De la Soul, Dam Funk, Joakim, DJ Harvey, Little Dragon and Cut Copy among others. With many influences from the 70s & 80s and a love for anything that sounds right, his style can be categorised as Disco/ Funk/Soul, Balearic/Soft Rock, Electronic/Synth, Classic House/Groovy Deep House and a bearer of all the greats.
To view all of M’s events in both Shanghai and Beijing, head over to our Events Calendar.

This month, Glam & M on the Bund are bringing the very best of music, talks and parties to Shanghai.
Friday, June 2nd: Join us at Glam for our 7th installation of the The Wall at Glam, where we display the works of a creator on the eastern wall of Glam. Whether they’re artists, architects, designers of cars, jewellery or even lingerie, they all have a spot on our wall. This month’s collaboration is with Israeli artist, Basmat Levin, whose vibrant paintings and hand-woven carpets are striking, colourful and oh-so-glam.
The launch party, on June 2nd, will celebrate her work with old school vinyl music from our good friend DJ Endy.
Saturday, June 3rd: As part of our Friday & Saturday DJ/live music nights, we host DJ Charp.
Charp arrived on the Shanghai electronic scene in 2008 and quickly became one of its prominent figures. He has launched a number of well-known residencies in Mao Club and Lola, which led to collaborations with international artists as well as playing in Shanghai’s biggest outdoor festivals and fashion events. Charp has a voracious appetite for a variety of styles of music including disco, house and techno. His sets are known for their energetic and melodious beats and for always moving the audience to their feet.
Friday, June 9th: DJ Gigi will be spinning beats as of 9:30pm.
Saturday, June 10th: Home to the Shanghai International Literary Festival and cultural hub of Shanghai, M on the Bund and M Glam host M Talks China, a monthly series of talks on books, culture, business, and ideas by high-profile figures in business, the arts, and academia, who share their views as they relate to China.
This month, we host Andrew Leckey former CNBC news anchor and veteran U.S. journalist, currently visiting scholar at Fudan University, who will provide a lively look at how the western media sees China’s emergence.
Friday, June 16th: DJ Max
Saturday, June 17th: DJ MIIIA
Sunday, June 18th: Glam x Time Out Shanghai’s monthly film screening brings you Raise the Red Lantern (大红灯笼高高挂), described by Time Out Shanghai as ‘arguably [legendary Chinese director] Zhang Yimou’s best work’.
*Fête de la Musique at Glam: A Three Day Affair*
Friday, June 23rd: Glam is kicking off the official start to summer with our very own ‘La Fete de la Musique’ starting on June 23rd with DJ MIIA as of 9:30pm.
Saturday, June 24th: It’s expected to be hot this summer in Shanghai, so wear your lightest and whitest for Glam’s ‘Nuit Blanche‘ on June 24th with live performances by Denise Mininfield and her talented musicians. Denise has enjoyed an illustrious career singing throughout Asia and was a frequent performer at the now-closed Cotton Club.
Sunday, June 25th: And for all you chamber music lovers, we have our quarterly Crystal Chamber Music concert on Sunday, June 25th at 16:00 with a concert dedicated to Haydn & Mendelssohn. Please click HERE for the full programme and HERE for Bob’s music blog for some pre-concert reading!
No matter what you fancy, Glam has your summer solstice covered. Don’t forget to stay hydrated (with only the finest of Glam’s libations, of course!) while enjoying our very glamorous ‘Fête de la Musique’!
Friday, June 30th: Thomas P is DJ to the creme de la creme of Shanghai. Spinning for the likes of Porsche and Peninsula Hotel as well as having collaborated with Westbam, Tomcraft, Steve Aoki, Lange, Andy Moor and more, you will always find him in the middle of a party with music…lots of music. Come see for yourself at Glam and get ready to groove.
To view all of M’s events in both Shanghai and Beijing, take a look at our Events Calendar.

Ticket Type | Event Details | Price | |
Adults | June 25, 2017 at 4:00 PM | ¥ 85.00 CNY | |
Students/Kids | June 25, 2017 at 4:00 PM | ¥ 40.00 CNY |
Next month the Crystal Room Quarterly Chamber Music series bring back the intriguing combination of Haydn and Mendelssohn: Haydn of poor village roots who lived to great old age as the most famous composer of his day; and Mendelssohn born to German intellectual and financial elite, also attaining great fame, but whose life was cut short a the age of 38. Both saw pinnacle of their success in London where Haydn in this sixties was mobbed like a rock star and Mendelssohn gave music lessons to none other than Queen Victoria.
We might think of Haydn, the creator of the string quartet, as the most classical of classical composers. Similarly Mendelssohn is viewed as the most classical of the early Romantic composers with his more conservative attraction to earlier form and balance.
In our programme in June, one area where Mendelssohn demonstrates his Romantic instead of Classical sensitivities is in how a tragic biographical event directly influenced his music and his choice of writing in a minor key. (We have come to think of minor keys expressing sadder or more troubled music.) Now certainly Haydn and Mozart wrote a lot in minor keys, but it would be wrong to think that they chose a minor key simply because they were personally sad. Since in our time we view Classical era music through a lens coloured by Romanticism, we often do try to attribute the mood in music of Haydn and Mozart to some event in their lives, but I think that it is an exaggeration to do so. Theirs was a highly professional, objective as well as sublimely artistic craft. They could write something sad or happy on command. Indeed Mozart wrote his G minor and C major symphonies as well as his G minor and C major string quintets at virtually the same time. Yes Mozart was sick and under-appreciated when he wrote his minor key Requiem, but he wrote the uplifting Magic Flute and Clarinet concerto at the same time. Haydn preferred major keys for his string quartets, but almost every set of six quartets has one in a minor key for balance. However we should not infer that he was only sad one-sixth of the time!
The event that led Mendelssohn to write his Opus 80 Quartet was the sudden death of his older sister Fanny. Mendelssohn was inconsolable and fell ill himself. At the urging of friends he took a break by going to Lucerne where he composed his quartet. It is one of the most moving and agitated expressions of bereavement and angst in the quartet literature. It was the last major piece of music that he would write. He died less than six months later on November 4, 1847 of a stroke just like his sister.
We will talk more about classicism and romanticism on June 25. We will also look at some watercolours that Mendelssohn painted in Lucerne while writing his Opus 80 Quartet. Can we detect a troubled spirit in those paintings as well? Well, come on June 25th at 4pm and join our discussion and enjoy this magnificent music. We welcome back the award-winning, young Song Quartet. You will not want to miss this treat!
As always, a little listening preparation, while not absolutely necessary, will help us to enjoy the music more at the concert. Here are a couple of suggestions for your pre-listening:
Haydn Opus 74 number 3 “The Rider” (VPN required): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8rdK0XpJoA
Mendelssohn Opus 80 (no VPN required): http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTYxNzk3MTUyNA==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2&spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0
See you on June 25th!
Bob Martin
Shanghai Chamber Music Lovers & Shanghai Conservatory’s Atelier of Chamber Music
Ensemble Les Amis
Sunday June 25, 2017 4:00pm
The Programme
Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
Haydn: String Quartet in G Minor,Op.74 No.3
I. Allegro快板
II. Largo 广板
III. Menuet 小步舞曲
IV. Finale 终曲
Felix Mendelsshohn (1809-1847)
Mendelssohn: String Quartet in f minor Op.80
I. Allegro vivace assai活泼的快板
II. Allegro assai很快的快板
III. Adagio 柔板
IV. Finale (Allegro molto) 终曲(很快的快板)
The Perfomers
松四重奏 Sōng Quartet
小提琴:陈家怡、李秉璋 Violins: Chen Jiayi, Li Bingzhang
中提琴:曹亦博 Viola: Cao Yibo
大提琴:朱天添 Cello: Zhu Tiantian

The most romantic of the year is soon upon us~
We’ve put together lovely dinner menus in both Shanghai and Beijing to create the perfect romantic evening for two.
We look forward to welcoming you, but please reserve soon…spots are filling quickly~
Please click HERE for the M on the Bund Valentine’s Menu
Please click HERE for the Glam, Shanghai Valentine’s Menu
Please click HERE for the Capital M Valentine’s Menu.