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Ever wonder what the Bund was like before it became the tourist destination it is today? Michelle Garnaut, Founder & CEO of the M Restaurant Group, was the first to open an international restaurant on the Bund…back in 1999! But before she opened M on the Bund, Michelle and her team (who had already opened a M at the Fringe in Hong Kong) dipped their toes into the Chinese culinary scene by doing a two week stint at the Peace Hotel from December 5th through 15th, 1996. Shanghai Daily just did a piece on Michelle’s experiences at the Peace in honour of M’s 20th anniversary in China!

“TODAY’S Shanghai enjoys a very diverse dining scene, especially when it comes to Western cuisine. Local diners can find everything from Hawaiian street food to new age molecular cuisine, and special dining events happen regularly throughout the year.” For the full article, please click here.


A view of the Bund in 1996…how things have changed! WechatIMG57

An original flyer for M at the Peace in 1996.
