魅蓝GLAM不仅是外滩摩登、别致、性感的存在,也是美食与文化交融的港湾… 天鹅绒的沙发、晶莹剔透的水晶珠帘、各式各样的艺术品点缀的墙面、处处透露出其折衷主义的理念… 而其真正的本质则在于魅蓝带给您的完美用餐体验。
在这里,你可以品尝到精心准备并完美呈现的经典鸡尾酒,也可以选择可爱迷人的夏季特调,亦或是来自各大洲的精选葡萄酒,还有大厨 Hamish Waddel 创意并制作的丰盛佳肴来吸引你的味蕾。
因此,无论你是和朋友们小酌,一起畅享米氏著名的甜品拼盘,还是和那个特别的TA约会… 魅蓝都能为你打造出一个流连忘返的迷人夜晚…
Not only is Glam the most beautiful, sexy, chic and comfortable space on the Bund, with luxurious velvet sofas, shimmering crystal curtains and eclectic works of art gracing it’s walls – it’s real essence is in the deliciousness of its offerings.
Sip on perfectly prepared classic cocktails, or lovely new summer concoctions, or a wide selection of wines from all continents and tempt your taste buds with a cornucopia of delicious dishes created by Chef Hamish Waddel.
So whether you’re dropping in with friends for a round of drinks, sharing M’s famous Dessert Platter or on a date night with that someone special… we’re here to create the perfect Glamorous night for you…
一张「DRINK OLYMPIC酒神奥林匹克」通行证外滩酒吧打通关。