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After 22 years on the Bund

we’re proud to be awarded


OF THE YEAR 2020” 

by That’s Shanghai!





感谢That’s Shanghai杂志对我们的认可,感谢所有光临过米氏西餐厅的顾客,感谢米氏的所有员工,感谢上海… 是你们成就了米氏传奇!

We are thrilled to have been selected as the “Fine Dining Restaurant of the Year”, we would like to thank That’s Shanghai for their recognition of our hard work, as well as our fabulous customers and amazing team, THANK YOU SHANGHAI… here’s to you all for making M more than just a great restaurant!

1999年初,米氏西餐厅在外滩方才开业不久,上海还远非今日之繁华盛景,我们作为黄浦江畔唯一的高端西餐厅,也显得相当孤单。当时大家的目光都聚焦在北方的外滩历史建筑群… 而今,更多的目光则是望向对岸高楼林立、霓虹闪耀的浦东陆家嘴天际线。一个东方新时代已然到来…
跟上潮流步伐的同时,保持真实、诚信和不断追求卓越的品质 — 这既是一种挑战,也激励着我们蓬勃地发展。

Here at M on the Bund we count ourselves lucky to have been born & raised in the marvellous city of Shanghai over 21 years ago. 
When we opened in January 1999 our focus was all to the north… the old Waitan. Today the action is in the East, both literally and metaphorically, nowadays no one pays much attention to our northern views, it’s all about the newness of the East.
Keeping up with the new whilst maintaining our authenticity and integrity and our commitment to excellence is a constant challenge, but nevertheless it is the challenge on which we thrive.
We send everyone greetings of the season & wish you all a very healthy, happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year!