Great value for money, without compromising quality!
即使工作很忙碌,午餐也要好好吃哟~如果没有足够的时间享用一份悠闲的早午餐,那您不妨尝试一下新推出的米氏商务午餐。两道菜188元,三道菜218元(另加收10%服务费)。时令新鲜、营养美味、简而不凡的一餐,让您的整个下午都充满工作动力。每周一至周五,上午十一点半至下午三点供应。If you’ve only got an hour for lunch and a leisurely brunch isn’t possible, then we have the solution for you… M’s Business Lunch!Choose 2 courses @ 188rmb or 3 courses @ 218rmb (+10% service charge) and know that you’re being well fed with quality healthy foods to give you the energy to power through the rest of your day.Our Business Luncheon changes fortnightly, which gives you plenty to choose from… Available Monday to Friday from 11.30am – 3pm. BOOK HERE!为了让大家在米氏西餐厅能够舒适且安心地用餐,我们撤出了将近一半的桌椅和家具,留出了适当的社交距离。或者您也可以选择在更宽敞的露台就餐,空气流通,美景不止。We take everyone’s safety seriously at M, one way we’ve achieved this is by removing half of our tables in the dining room to give you and your family some social distance. And there’s always plenty of room on M’s famous spacious terrace – ENJOY YOUR SPACE!