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即将步入温馨而欢乐的年终庆典季,就让我们从”感恩节“开始吧~ 11月26日周四,大厨 Hamish一定会忙着给火鸡刷橄榄油,制作蔓越莓酱,烤南瓜派… 所以,来米氏西餐厅表达感谢吧!俯瞰着外滩-浦江-陆家嘴天际线,与一众好友大快朵颐感恩节大餐。
The Celebration Season starts soon, kicking off with THANKSGIVING  Thursday, November 26thChef Hamish will be busy basting Turkeys, saucing Cranberries and baking Pumpkin Pies, so come and give thanks in the most glamorous of spaces – M, of course!
而这仅仅只是庆典季的开始,如果您正在筹备年终派对,庆祝实现了2020的目标,甚至战胜了2020… 或者只是想与同事、好友、家人共聚一堂,享用一顿有趣的晚餐,我们都能为您提供完美的用餐方案。
But that is just the start of the celebration season, so whether you’re planning an end of year office party, beating 2020 targets… beating 2020… or festive get-togethers with colleagues, friends or family or just a fun dinner because you can, we have the solution for you!
We’ve designed a selection of delicious menus for tables of 8 people or more, starting from 295rmb per person for Lunch and 495rmb per person for Dinner – great value for money! All our Celebration Menus start with complimentary cocktails and are available from late November right through until Chinese New Year.